Insider Threats Are Growing and Increasingly Perilous

They can be very hard to uncover

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In this edition:

  • Did You Know - Insider Threat

  • Article Spotlight - Chapter 7 Excerpt - Beware Coverage Limits

  • Artificial Intelligence news & Bytes

  • Cybersecurity News & Bytes

  • AI Power Prompt

  • Social Media Images of the Week

 Did You Know - Cyber Insurance

  • Did you know insider threats account for approximately 30% of all cybersecurity incidents.

  • Did you know on average, it takes organizations around 77 days to detect an insider threat.

  • Did you know that insider threats can come in various forms:

    1. Trusted Employees: These individuals have access to sensitive information and resources.

    2. Badge Holders: Anyone with regular or continuous access, including contractors and vendors.

    3. Network Users: Those supplied with computer and network access.

    4. Product Developers: They know valuable trade secrets.

    5. Business Strategists: Entrusted with future plans and organizational well-being.

  • Did you know insider threats can leak sensitive information, compromising national security and public safety.

  • Did you know insider threats can often be identified by watching for signs like sudden changes in behavior, excessive access requests, or disgruntlement.

  • Did you know Some insiders threats can inadvertently compromise security by ignoring policies.

  • Did you know it is becoming more commonplace to see AI algorithms analyze user behavior to spot anomalies and potential insider threats.

  • Did you know financial gain (60%), revenge (23%), and ideology (7%) are the primary motivations behind insider attacks.

  • Did you know contractors and partners can also pose an insider threat risk.

eBook Chapter 7 Excerpt: 11 Valuable Things Leaders Should Know About Cyber Insurance

Beware Coverage Limits

Understanding coverage limits is crucial when evaluating cyber insurance policies. With 86% of businesses facing at least one cyberattack annually, it's vital to ensure your policy limits adequately protect your organization. Cyber insurance typically includes two types of limits: per-incident and aggregate.

The per-incident limit represents the maximum payout for a single cyber event, while the aggregate limit is the total amount available for all cyber events withinthe policy period.

Clarity in policy definitions is essential. For instance, how does your policy define a 'single incident'? If multiple attacks occur within a short timeframe, will they be treated as separate incidents or one continuous event? These definitions can significantly impact your coverage and potential out-of-pocket expenses.

Comprehending Coverage Limits

 Properly grasping and evaluating coverage limits in cyber insurance policies is crucial. These limits determine how much an insurer will cover claims arising from cyber incidents. Insufficient coverage limits could significantly impact a company's financial stability following a cyber breach.

Given the escalating severity and frequency of cyber threats, ensuring that your coverage limits offer ample protection against substantial financial losses is paramount.

Various Types of Coverage Limits

Per Incident Limit: This represents the maximum sum an insurer will pay for an individual cyber incident. Understanding how your insurance policy defines a single incident is crucial. Some insurance providers may view multiple attacks occurring closely together as separate incidents, which could deplete your coverage rapidly.

Aggregate Limit: This represents the total sum that the insurer will pay for all claims within the policy period. If your business faces numerous cyber incidents in a year, this limit ensures that the total of all claims does not surpass the specified amount.

Factors to Consider 

Definition of an Incident: Clearly define what qualifies as a single incident according to your policy. For instance, a ransomware attack that spans several days might be deemed as one incident or multiple incidents based on the policy terms. 

Potential Costs: Evaluate the anticipated costs of different types of cyber incidents, such as data breaches, business disruptions, legal expenses, and fines imposed by regulators. Make sure that your coverage limits are adequate to address these potential financial burdens.

Industry Standards: Compare your coverage limits with prevailing industry norms and benchmarks. Certain sectors like healthcare and finance may necessitate higher limits due to the sensitive nature of their data handling practices and stringent regulatory obligations.

 Real-World Consequences of Inadequate Coverage

The repercussions of insufficient coverage limits can be severe. In one case, a medium-sized company faced a sophisticated phishing attack that resulted in more than $2 million in recovery expenses, surpassing their $1 million policy limit per incident. Consequently, the company had to bear the extra costs themselves, causing significant financial strain and disruptions to their operations.

 Reducing the Risk of Inadequate Coverage

 To minimize the risk of inadequate coverage, companies should:

1. Conduct Regular Risk Assessments: Stay updated on the changing cyber threat landscape and evaluate how different cyber incidents could financially impact your business.

2. Collaborate with Experienced Cyber Experts and Brokers: Work closely with insurance brokers who specialize in cyber insurance to grasp coverage limits intricacies and receive recommendations tailored to your risk profile.

3. Review and Adjust Annually: Given the rapid evolution of cyber threats, it's crucial to review and tweak your coverage limits annually to ensure they remain sufficient.

4. Consider Excess Insurance: Sometimes, acquiring excess insurance can be beneficial as it extends coverage beyond your primary policy limits, providing an additional layer of financial security in case of a significant cyber incident.

 Understanding and appropriately setting coverage limits in your cyber insurance policy is vital for safeguarding your business against the financial repercussions of cyber events.

Regularly assessing risks, collaborating with seasoned brokers, and reviewing your policy each year can help guarantee that your coverage limits meet your requirements. Having adequate coverage offers peace of mind and financial stability, allowing your business to bounce back more efficiently from cyberattacks.

 Security Domains Influencing Cyber Insurance Declination

 The most recent results from Aon's 2023 Global Risk Management Survey shine a light on various important security aspects that play a role in the rejection of cyber insurance policies. It is essential for companies looking to secure thorough cyber insurance coverage to grasp these areas.

 Here are the revised security aspects and their corresponding percentages affecting policy rejections:

  1. Access Control - 70%

  2. Business Resilience - 65%

  3. Endpoint & Systems Security - 60%

  4. Network Security - 50%

  5. Data Security - 50%

  6. Previous Claims/Incidents - 35%

  7. Third-Party Management - 35%

  8. Cyber Governance - 30%

  9. IT Infrastructure - 25%

  10. Application Security - 20%

  11. Remote Work - 15%

  12. Physical Security - 5% 

These percentages show how weaknesses in these aspects can result in denied cyber insurance applications. Enhancing practices in these areas can significantly increase the chances of receiving favorable insurance terms and ensuring sufficient protection against cyber risks.

As per the AON survey findings, the primary worry continues to be cyberattacks and data breaches, reflecting the growing prevalence and complexity of such threats. The extensive data collected from almost 3,000 executives worldwide emphasizes the urgent necessity for companies to proactively address these security areas to reduce risks and secure comprehensive cyber insurance coverage.

Understanding and appropriately setting coverage limits is crucial for effective risk management. Inadequate limits can leave your organization exposed to significant financial losses, while excessive limits may result in unnecessary premium costs. Striking the right balance requires careful consideration of your specific risks, industry trends, and expert guidance.

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AI Power Prompt

This prompt will act as a cybersecurity expert and create a step by step list of what a CISO and their team should do to protect against and to identify insider threats to their organization.


Adopt the role of an expert Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). Your task is to develop a comprehensive step-by-step plan for a CISO and their team to protect against and identify insider threats within their organization. This plan should cover both proactive and reactive measures, ensuring robust security protocols and rapid response strategies.


You will create a detailed strategy that a CISO can implement to safeguard their organization from insider threats. This strategy will include preventive measures, detection methods, and response plans to mitigate risks and handle incidents effectively.


Follow the step-by-step approach below to create the comprehensive plan:

Assess Current Security Posture:

Conduct a thorough risk assessment to identify vulnerabilities related to insider threats.

Review existing security policies and procedures to ensure they address insider threats adequately.

Evaluate the organization's security culture and employee awareness programs.

Develop Insider Threat Program:

Establish an insider threat program that includes policies, procedures, and tools for detecting and mitigating insider threats.

Define roles and responsibilities for the insider threat team, including coordination with HR, legal, and IT departments.

Implement Preventive Measures:

Enforce strict access controls and least privilege principles to limit access to sensitive information.

Regularly review and update access rights based on job roles and responsibilities.

Utilize multi-factor authentication (MFA) to enhance login security.

Provide comprehensive security awareness training for all employees, focusing on recognizing and reporting suspicious activities.

Deploy Monitoring and Detection Tools:

Implement User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) to monitor and analyze user behavior for anomalies.

Use Data Loss Prevention (DLP) solutions to prevent unauthorized data transfers.

Deploy Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems to aggregate and analyze security events in real-time.

Establish Reporting Mechanisms:

Create clear and anonymous channels for employees to report suspicious activities or behaviors.

Encourage a culture of vigilance where employees feel comfortable reporting potential insider threats.

Conduct Regular Audits and Reviews:

Perform periodic security audits to ensure compliance with insider threat policies.

Review and analyze audit logs to detect any unusual activities or policy violations.

Update security measures based on audit findings and evolving threat landscapes.

Develop Response Plans:

Create a detailed incident response plan specifically for insider threats, outlining steps to identify, contain, and mitigate incidents.

Form an incident response team trained to handle insider threat scenarios.

Conduct regular drills and simulations to test the effectiveness of the response plan and improve readiness.

Leverage Technology and Automation:

Use machine learning and artificial intelligence to enhance detection and response capabilities.

Automate routine security tasks to free up resources for more complex threat analysis.

Foster a Positive Security Culture:

Promote transparency and communication about security policies and their importance.

Recognize and reward employees who contribute to maintaining a secure environment.

Collaborate with External Experts:

Engage with external cybersecurity experts and threat intelligence providers to stay informed about the latest threats and best practices.

Participate in information-sharing communities to learn from the experiences of other organizations.


My organization: [ORGANIZATION NAME]

My industry: [INDUSTRY]

My team size: [TEAM SIZE]

Current security measures: [CURRENT SECURITY MEASURES]

Specific insider threats faced: [SPECIFIC INSIDER THREATS]


Ensure the plan is clear, detailed, and actionable. It should provide step-by-step guidance for the CISO and their team to implement and maintain a robust insider threat protection and detection program. The document should be formatted for easy reference, including headings, subheadings, and bullet points for key actions.

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