Cyber Activism Grows as Elections are Being Held in 55 Countries this Year

Your Organization May Be Their Next Target

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AI Image: Rise of Hacktivism Due To Elections

We are sitting at the intersection of cybersecurity and artificial intelligence in the enterprise and there is much to know and do. Our goal is not just to keep you updated with the latest AI, cybersecurity and other crucial tech trends and breakthroughs that may matter to you, but also to feed your curiosity.

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In this edition:

  • Did You Know - Hacktivism & Election Security

  • Article Spotlight: Cyber Activism Grows as Elections are Being Held in 55 Countries this Year

  • Artificial Intelligence news & Bytes

  • Cybersecurity News & Bytes

  • Power Prompt

  • Social Media Image

 Special Note:

Important message on securing our elections in all countries around the globe. I have given over 110 cybersecurity tabletops all over to cities, states, counties, provinces, higher ed and K12s that are responsible for voting, polling and voting poll stations and they simply are in need of more cybersecurity and improved strategies for IR, BC, and DR surrounding polling.

There is no political stance or anything meant to be remotely controversial. Just cyber and ensuring safer elections for all!  Thank you!

Did You Know - Hacktivism & Election Security

  • Did you know that in 2024, elections are being held in 55 countries, involving over 2 billion eligible voters worldwide?

  • Did you know of the 55 countries holding elections, 40% have reported previous attempts to hack their electoral systems.

  • Did you know hacktivist attacks on election systems have increased by 30% in the past five years, coinciding with more frequent global elections.

  • Did you know countries that experienced hacktivist interference in previous elections saw an average voter turnout drop of 8%.

  • Did you know cyberattacks on election infrastructure can cost a country up to $500 million in economic damages, according to a 2022 study.

  • Did you know hacktivist groups from over 20 different countries have been identified as attempting to influence elections worldwide.

  • Did you know during election periods, misinformation campaigns by hacktivists can increase by 60%, according to cybersecurity firm analysis.

  • Did you know 70% of countries using electronic voting systems have found vulnerabilities that could be exploited by cyberattacks.

  • Did you know in 2023, voter registration databases in 15 countries were breached, exposing personal information of millions of voters.

  • Did you know a survey found that 45% of voters in countries with recent election cyberattacks doubted the integrity of their election results.

  • Did you know hacktivists have been found to manipulate trending topics on social media platforms during elections, influencing up to 10% of the electorate.

  • Did you know governments have increased their election cybersecurity budgets by an average of 25% in the last three years to combat hacktivism.

  • Did you know over 30 countries have enacted or updated laws in the past two years to specifically address cyber threats to their elections.

  • Did you know experts predict that by 2030, nearly all elections will include significant cybersecurity components to protect against hacktivism, as cyber threats continue to evolve.

Latest Article: Cyber Activism Grows as Elections are Being Held in 55 Countries this Year

Hacktivism has become a powerful force that is shaping how activism and digital conflicts unfold as we progress through 2024, hacktivism. It is an unusual mix of hacking and activism gaining momentum driven by political motives, social justice causes, and the desire for global transformation. This trend is not merely temporary but a significant aspect of today's geopolitical landscape, especially with 55 countries holding elections this year, representing 42% of all nations.

The Origins and Development of Hacktivism

Hacktivism traces its origins back to the late 1980s and early 1990s when it made its mark with events like the "Worms Against Nuclear Killers" campaign in 1989. In this early case, the WANK worm was used to target NASA's computers as a protest against nuclear weapons. With the internet's growth came an expansion in the scope and influence of hacktivist activities.

Groups like Anonymous have become synonymous with hacktivism. Coming into prominence in the early 2000s, Anonymous utilized digital disruption to combat censorship, corruption, and various social injustices. Their decentralized structure and rapid mobilization abilities have made them symbols of digital rebellion.

The Modern Hacktivist: Who Are They?

Hacktivists today come from various backgrounds and are a mysterious group, ranging from individuals acting alone to well-organized collectives with advanced skills. Their motivations stem from a desire to impact political changes, shed light on social issues, and, lately, cause disruption simply for the sake of it. Their methods are diverse and constantly changing, making them unpredictable and formidable. 

  • Anonymous: Anonymous is known for attacking oppressive organizations such as governments and corporations. Their actions against the Church of Scientology and other prominent targets have solidified their reputation in hacktivist history.

  • Ukraine IT Army: This volunteer organization emerged in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. By launching cyberattacks against Russian entities, the group demonstrates how geopolitical conflicts can spark hacktivist movements.

  • KillNet: A pro-Russian hacktivist group that focuses on targeting Western nations and NATO countries supporting Ukraine. Through their activities, they showcase the overlap between state-sponsored hacking and hacktivism.

The Rise of Hacktivism in 2024

Geopolitical tensions and widespread global elections are fueling the increase of hacktivism in 2024. Hacktivists view these elections as opportunities to sway outcomes, disrupt processes, and make impactful statements. Their actions go beyond creating chaos; they are about sending messages, enforcing ideologies, and garnering attention on a global scale.

Key drivers behind the surge of hacktivism include: 

  • Geopolitical Tensions: Ongoing conflicts like the Ukrainian war have spurred hacktivist movements. Groups on both sides partake in cyber warfare, blurring the boundaries between activism and state-sponsored attacks.

  • Technological Accessibility: The widespread availability of sophisticated hacking tools and methods has reduced barriers to entry, allowing more individuals and groups to participate in hacktivism.

  • Political Activism: With elections unfolding worldwide, hacktivists seek to sway political landscapes, uncover corruption, and champion their causes

The Nature of Hacktivist Demands

In contrast to conventional cybercriminals, hacktivists are often not driven by financial motives. Their demands tend to be ideological, intended to make a statement or attract media coverage. This renders negotiations with hacktivists nearly futile. Their goals may include;

  • Advocating for Beliefs: Hacktivists might request alterations in policies or actions that align with their ideologies rather than seeking monetary rewards.

  • Publicity and Awareness: Hacktivists aim to capture media attention for their causes by launching high-profile attacks and using the resulting publicity to advance their agendas.

  • Disruption as a Form of Protest: At times, the goal of disruption itself is to create inconvenience or harm for those they are against.

Examples of Hacktivism in Action

  • Anonymous: They targeted Russian IoT devices to livestream military personnel in response to Russia's actions in Ukraine, demonstrating their innovative and provocative strategies.

  • Ukraine IT Army: This group has carried out various DDoS attacks and leaked information from Russian organizations, attracting over 186,000 members on its Telegram channel.

  • KillNet: Known for its provocative actions, KillNet has named targets such as the European Investment Bank and the International Finance Corporation, merging hacktivism with elements of cyber warfare.

Our Divided World

Hacktivism is a strong example of how activism is changing in the digital era. Hacktivists leverage technology advancements and global tensions, so their influence on international politics and security should not be overlooked. It is essential to understand the motives and tactics of these digital activists as we navigate an increasingly interconnected world filled with conflict and at odds with each other.

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Artificial intelligence News & Bytes 🧠

For more on AI take a look at previous editions of the Cybervizer Newsletter as it is loaded with AI and cybersecurity info, tips, prompts, and reviews.

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Hacktivism News & Bytes 📢

AI Power Prompt

Learn Faster with the Pareto Principle: The following prompt can assist you in learning about a subject using the Pareto Principle.

#CONTEXT: Adopt the role of an expert learning strategist. You will create a focused learning plan using the Pareto principle, identifying the 20% of the topic that will yield 80% of the desired results. The goal is to provide a comprehensive yet efficient approach to mastering [Subject].

#GOAL: You will design a learning plan that allows the learner to achieve significant proficiency in [Subject] by focusing on the most impactful areas. This plan should maximize learning efficiency and effectiveness, ensuring that the learner gains a deep understanding of the core concepts that drive the majority of the results in the subject area.

#RESPONSE GUIDELINES: Follow the step-by-step approach below to create the learning plan:

  1. Identify the core concepts and principles that form the foundation of [Subject]. These are the essential ideas that underpin most of the advanced knowledge in the field.

  2. Determine the key skills and competencies that are most frequently used and most important for practical application in [Subject].

  3. Curate a list of high-quality resources (books, articles, videos, courses) that effectively cover these core concepts and key skills. Ensure these resources are recognized and respected within the field.

  4. Develop a structured learning schedule that outlines daily or weekly learning activities, including reading, practice, and review sessions.

  5. Include practical exercises and projects that allow the learner to apply the core concepts and skills in real-world scenarios, reinforcing their understanding and proficiency.

  6. Provide tips for effective learning strategies, such as active recall, spaced repetition, and the use of mnemonic devices, to help the learner retain and apply the information more effectively.


  • My subject: [Subject]

  • My learning goals: [Goals]

  • My available time per week: [Time]

  • My preferred learning style (reading, watching videos, hands-on practice, etc.): [Style]

  • My current level of knowledge in the subject: [Knowledge Level]

  • Specific topics or areas of interest within the subject: [Interest Areas]

#OUTPUT: Ensure the learning plan is clear, actionable, and tailored to the learner's preferences and goals. It should provide a step-by-step guide for achieving significant proficiency in the subject, focusing on the most impactful 20% of the content.

Note: Any words in [Word] in brackets like that is a variable that you insert or add. Here is the format to add variable after the prompt: [Word] = Your answer for variable

Social Media Image of the Week

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